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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Five Types Of Crime - 1398 Words

Crime Classification Iliana Clark American InterContinental University Abstract This essay will explain the five different types of crime. These include: Crimes against persons, Crimes against property, and Crimes of public morality, White-collar crimes and Cyber crimes. Statistics show that we are likely to be a victim of one of these crimes. This essay will explain each crime and their differences, providing a definition by category of crime. They are many types of crimes but I will be giving you two examples that fall into each category. Crime Classification Crimes against people come in different forms; each belongs to a category. Crimes against persons are crimes that are violent in nature. While crimes against property involves the taking of property or money. Then, we have crimes of public morality; these are usually victimless crimes, meaning there is no true victim of the crime. Many scams and frauds fall into the white-collar crime, to include schemes and tax evasion. Finally, crimes that are committed with the use of a computer and/or various forms of technology are called cyber crimes. This essay will explain the different categories of crimes and give a true meaning by type of crime. Crimes Against the Person The term â€Å"Crimes Against the Person† refers to a broad array of criminal offenses, which usually involve bodily harm, the threat of bodily harm, or other actions committed against the will of anShow MoreRelatedPoverty Is The Main Reason For Crime Rates Accelerating?1353 Words   |  6 PagesThere are many issues in society that can be tied into one another. Poverty alone is a major issue worldwide just as well as crime. So what happens when these two are tied in with each other? Is poverty the main reason for crime rates accelerating? According to Aristotle, poverty is the parent of crime. It seems to be so common in society for criminals to be the minority that it is rather surprising when they find out a criminal is not a part of the minority. Minorities often, but not always, includeRead MoreInfluence Of Prior On Subsequent Crime Location Choice1283 Words   |  6 Pagestitled Biting Once, Twice; The Influence of Prior on Subsequent Crime Location Choice. The authors of this article are Marre Lammers, Barbara Menting, Stijn Ruiter, and Wim Bernasco, Biting Once, Twice: The Influence of Prior on Subsequent Crime Location Choice was written in early 2015 to capture the information needed to prove where an offender committed his/her first crime has a major impact on where they will commit their second crime; this study has a goal to prove within a short time period oneRead MoreEssay On Youth Crime1490 Words   |  6 Pagescalled youth crime. There are many types of crime which are done by youth. Property crime, drug offences, violent crime, common assault, mischief, break and enter, sexual assault, robbery all are included in crimes that youth mostly do. Mostly youth commit crime by involving more than one person. In this paper, I will discuss different type of crime that youth do, how Parental status effect youth to commit a crime, how government and police handle the situation when youth commits the crime and how Go odRead MorePenalties for White Collar Crime Essay1101 Words   |  5 Pages White collar crime has been discussed more frequently in the last few years. The news has made society aware that white collar crime occurs almost as often as other criminal activity. In fact, white collar crime is one of the most costly crimes. It is a billion dollar criminal industry. White collar criminals seem to continue to engage in the criminal practices because there is no set standard in the penalties given to those that are caught. 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The theory relied on deterring criminal acts by assuring that the consequences of crime are absolute, harsh, and quickly administered (Tonry,2014). Mandatory Sentencing Act Today, more than 2 million Americans are incarceratedRead MorePunishment And Sentencing : Punishment1281 Words   |  6 PagesColumbia Southern University Professor: Dr. Thomas Kelly Punishment and Sentencing The definition of the word â€Å"sentencing†, is described as a particular process through a sentencing authority, which imposes a lawful punishment, or other type of sanction on a person that has been convicted of violating the criminal law. The definition of the word â€Å"Punishment†, is described as an act of punishing an individual, or a way to punish an individual. Schmalleger, F., Hall, D. (2014). SentencingRead MoreCriminal Law : Criminal Offenses And The Public989 Words   |  4 Pagescommitted a crime is often times confused with the carrying out of a civil case. However, the two differ in a few ways. A civil case consists of the victim brining the suit to court. A criminal takes place when the state initiates the suit through a prosecutor (Criminal Law, An Overview). Those who are convicted of a crime may be incarcerated, fined, or both, yet those found accountable in a civil case may only have to give up property or pay out money, but will not be incarcerated. Types of CriminalRead MoreThe Development Of American Law1333 Words   |  6 Pagesas defined by our textbook, Criminal Justice Today, which prohibits or commands some standards of behaviour. However, people needs laws to maintain orders, without laws, we could not be safe or being a free nation. There are numerous groups and types of laws such as: Statutory Law, Case Law, Penal Code, Common Law, Civil Law, Rule of Law and Criminal Law that aid to maintain our society’s right and obligation today. The Statutory Law is, â€Å"law on the books,† a written law that achieved by a governmentRead MoreBiological Criminal Behavior Essay1349 Words   |  6 Pagesescalade from small crime to federal crimes seen in cases today. Research have proven genes influence the outcome of a behavior in a criminal behavior and the type of attach committed to his or her victim. This crimes are taught in the school of crime into five different steps to help during a crime investigation. One of these cases is Andrea Yates, who committed a horrific crime on her family. This paper will explain the changes in history of crime and the procedures done in a crime. The paper will

Monday, December 16, 2019

Anorexia Essay - 3393 Words

Anorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, one who avoids food for psychological reasons. Most experts believe that those who suffer from anorexia are starving themselves to avoid growing into adults. It is also common knowledge among these experts that anorexics want to gain attention and a sense of being special. People say that anorexia doesnt stop at affecting the victim at hand; instead, it surpasses the anorexic. Which means that anorexia affects the personality of the person; that it branches off to affect other parts of that anorexics life. Body image obsession, self-devotion, attention grabbing, selfishness, are all attributes which keenly describe anorexia in the eyes of the media and most hospital†¦show more content†¦Those who treat anorexia in modern medical practice try, not to cure the eating disorder, but rather to go straight to the root of a deeper psychological problem. The number of misinformed professionals in the medical world is staggering. Th is can only be shown by the education they receive while in college. The information on eating disorders is vast, but woefully understudied by qualified persons. Few in the medical community have a meaningful connection with anorexia or the family of eating disorders it belongs to. The education of the general public is crucial to the development of medical treatment. If the public cares about something, the problem will get resolved in time. Like my father says, If the moon were made of gold, or some other valuable material, we would have colonies there already. This is very true in today?s medical industry, if something is profitable or appealing to the public or a private investor, then there will be progress. The media does not promote the healing of anorexics in anyway, and we have too few private investors to support the fight against this escalating problem. The methods employed by American hospitals today to cure anorexia are equivalent to treating AIDS with cough dr ops. Neither will do anything to cure the disease or the person. There is no advanced knowledge of anorexia, and the treatment is treating nothing otherShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Anorexia And Anorexia Nervosa1148 Words   |  5 PagesAnorexia is a severe eating disorder which is generally characterized by severe weight loss and life threatening dieting these then results in malnourishment (Anorexia Nervosa , 2015). Bulimia and Anorexia are known to be the two most largely known eating disorders that are very serious and affect many teenagers. 95% of people suffering with anorexia are known to be girls however there’s an average 5% of males that suffer from this mental illness. Anorexia is when the brain goes into over drive toRead MoreAnorexia Nervos Symptoms, And Treatment Of Anorexia1076 Words   |  5 PagesAnorexia Nervosa. University of Maryland Medical Center, U of Maryland Medical Center, 23 Apr. 2015. Accessed 20 Apr. 2017. The article, Anorexia Nervosa, examines the background information, symptoms, and treatment of anorexia. Anorexia is defined as a disease in which a person starves themselves and exercises excessively in order to lose weight. In addition, as the person continues to lose weight, they have a distorted body image and perceives themselves as fat. In other words, the personRead MoreEssay on Anorexia1228 Words   |  5 Pages quot;Anorexia Nervosaquot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal-weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term quot;anorexia nervosaquot; literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they areRead MoreAnorexia in Teens1178 Words   |  5 Pagesattractive would start to starve them self to become that skinny or what is known in the psychology world as anorexia. Anorexia is a big deal in the United States, a lot of young people are starting to starve them self just to become skinny. This isn’t only because they want to look like that model, or just want to skinny. Anorexia can come from other places in a person’s life. Anorexia came to be from seeing a few of my friends not eat, just because they wanted to be skinny, also I found a newRead More Anorexia Essay658 Words   |  3 Pages The Causes and Effects of Anorexia nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When I think of anorexia, a few things come to mind. I think of really bad episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 and Baywatch in which females, ususally teenagers, starve themselves and take diet pills. The eating problem is always resolved within the timespan of one 30 minute episode. From the research Ive done thus far on anorexia, I now know that this is a very unrealistic representation of what is actually a very serious disease.Read MoreEssay on Anorexia785 Words   |  4 Pages Anorexia Nervosa Have you ever felt fat or self-conscious about the way you looked? These are questions that we may ask ourselves everyday, but anorexics ask themselves these questions every minute of everyday. Questions like this haunt an anorexic’s conscience and ruin the way she/he perceives herself/himself. Anorexia is a very dangerous mental illness because it has many life- threatening effects. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Anorexia is not a choice to be madeRead MoreAnorexia Nervosa1947 Words   |  8 Pagessome people who do. If we were to look the world as a whole, we would realize that from every 100 teenage girls, 1 to 5 suffers from Anorexia(EDV). As defined by the National Eating Disorders Association, â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.† (NEDA). The term â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa† literally means â€Å"neurotic loss of appetite†, and could be more generally defined as the result of a prolonged self-starvationRead MoreAnorexia And Anorexia Are Often Confused Amongst Humans1956 Words   |  8 PagesBulimia and Anorexia are often confused amongst humans. Bulimic people may have many reasoning’s that support their causes for binging, and anorexic people also have reasoning’s that illustrate their causations of being anorexic. Appearance and self-esteem may play a major role towards people who may binge often, and people who are anorexic may just have a fear to eat based on their body figures. However, many confuse the two due to the similar meanings of body weight. This paper will analyze obs ervationsRead MoreAnorexia Nervos A Psychological And Physical Causes And Consequences Of Anorexia930 Words   |  4 Pagespeople with anorexia are related to at least one person with the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder with mainly adolescent victims. Different studies have been able to identify some of the psychological and physical causes and consequences of anorexia. Many people dismiss anorexia nervosa as a short-lived adolescent disorder, but most do not realize the disease’s long-lasting implications on health and how crucial it is to seek treatment. The UMMC (2016) defines anorexia nervosa asRead More Anorexia and Bulimia Essay1569 Words   |  7 Pagesadolescent girls develops anorexia nervosa, a dangerous condition in which they can literally starve themselves to death. Another two to three percent develop bulimia nervosa, a destructive pattern of excessive overeating followed by vomiting or other quot; purging quot; behaviors to control their weight. These eating disorders also occur in men and older women, but much less frequently. The consequences of eating disorders can be severe. For example, one in ten anorexia nervosa leads to death from

Sunday, December 8, 2019

(1039 words) Essay Example For Students

(1039 words) Essay SUNDAY NIGHTS AT SEVENThe Jack Benny Storyby Jack Benny with Joan BennyWarner, $19.95, 302 pagesThe late Jack Benny wrote an autobiography that was knownto almost no one. So few, in fact, that his only daughter Joanwas surprised to find the finished manuscript among her mothersfiles after her death in 1983. Joan Benny has augmented herfathers words with her own memories and some interviewsaccomplished expressly for the book. It is very good. As one might expect from the most popular comedian of theage of radio, Jack Bennys memoirs are fast-paced, lively, andentertaining. His recollections are positive, and he says almostnothing negative about anyone. He traces back to his humblebeginnings as Benjamin Kubelsky in Waukegan, Ill., and revealsmany intriguing facts about his early life and entry into showbusiness. He was a high school dropout (although, as he noteswith irony, Waukegan eventually built a junior high school in hishonor) and took to serious study of the violin only afterflunking out of the family haberdashery business. (Do we haveto know their names? he asked his father after an unknowncustomer left an account payment with him.) Over his mothersobjections, he eventually found employment as a violinist with alocal touring singer. After a while, he began to talk, whichgrew into a comedy monologue. Jan Kubelik, a concert violinist,forced Benny Kubelsky to change his name in 1912. He next becameBen Benny, and became fairly well known as a violin-and-comedyperformer. After serving in the Navy in World War I, a similarentertainer named Ben Bernie forced him to change his name again,and he chose the name Jack, by which all sailors in the war wereinformally known to each other. Some of the stories have been told before, but get a much-deserved retelling from the horses mouth here. Jack met hiswife, Sadie Marks (she later changed her name to MaryLivingstone, the name of the character she played on the radioshow) when he was 27 and she 14 at her familys Passovercelebration in Vancouver. She was related to the Marx brothers,and Zeppo Marx (then Marks) had brought his colleague to the homefor the occasion. Mary insisted that Jack listen to her violinplaying. He found it horrible and he and Zeppo made a quickexit. Several years later, they met again and married in 1927after a brief courtship. It was only after they were marriedthat Mary reminded Jack of their first meeting. Jack continued his successful career in vaudeville, and whenhis partner took ill, he persuaded Mary to fill in. She was ahit. Eventually he found himself on Broadway and then in themovies. He vacillated for a time before deciding that going intoradio would be worthwhile. While they were living in New York, they adopted Joan. Shelearned in writing the book that Mary Benny had planned to takeher only to nurse her to health while they awaited an arrangedbaby. (Jack opposed this idea.) Naturally, they found theycouldnt part with Joan. Much of the book consists of Joans writing. She seems tobe in a different book from her father. It would be a major helpif she used a writing style that conformed more closely to thatset by her father in the early chapters. Her short, simplesentences slow the pace in a sudden manner. She providesextreme levels of detail about her early life, homes, and thetrappings of being a celebrity daughter. While this matter isinteresting to a Benny buff, one hopes that none of the venerablecomedians material was subjugated to make room for it. Itwould be far more relevant if Joan Benny were a celebrity in herown right. But this is the fall of 1990 and such things are tobe expected of celebrity offspring. George Bush is our presidentand no doubt he approves. .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .postImageUrl , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:hover , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:visited , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:active { border:0!important; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:active , .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24 .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufeb299cde218a2178757a1cb1e46af24:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Media violence GRADE 11 PROJECT EssaySome of Joan Bennys passages are curious. Obviously, hadher father wanted details of his premarital womanizing in hisbook, he would have put them there himself. Her life is verywell detailed up to about 1965, but she says almost nothing ofher activities for the past quarter century. Joan Benny pulls no punches in discussing her mother. Thetwo had what would mildly be described as an adversarialrelationship. Mary Livingstone Benny (who always introducedherself as Mrs. Jack Benny) is portrayed as a vain, insecurespendthrift. She allegedly was most interested in being with andaccepted by the Hollywood elite. Studio moguls, that is, not theentertainers that her husband called friends. Jack Bennyattended Friars dinners and the like alone. Mary LivingstoneBenny may have played the role of Mrs. Jack Benny to the hilt togain social standing, but Joan Bennys words must be taken with ateaspoon of salt (or a more healthful sodium-free substitute) inlight of the obvious delight she displays on every page at beingJack Bennys daughter. Jack Benny tells a good many anecdotes that have not beenprinted before. Obviously, none of the three Benny intimates whowrote biographies had access to this material. He tells how helearned from others mistakes in developing his radio style. (Other comics used visual material for their studio audience,which left home listeners in the dark about what was so funny.)There is a certain paradox in the greatest radio comedian alsobeing the greatest user of facial expressions and body language. Perhaps, as Jack suggests, his secret wasnt those mannerisms buthis timing. Jack acknowledges that he was but a mediocreviolinist. Nevertheless, he won the respect of some of theworlds greatest violinists. These stories are a treasure. Isaac Stern called him the most fortunate concert artist becausehe didnt have to live with the pressure of having to be perfect. The book is must reading, but the reader cant help butagonize over how much better it would be had Joan Benny publishedthe autobiography verbatim (Jack wanted to title it I Always HadShoes, a reaction to comedians who claimed to have risen fromabject poverty) or more successfully integrated her words intoit. With any luck, the book will spark a renewed interest in thelegendary comedian. His television show could stand to berevived by one of the cable networks, and a TV movie about him isa possibility. Joan Benny selected dozens of family photos forthe book; they are a contribution. The most striking thing aboutthe book is how fresh Jack Bennys words sound, even though theywere written almost twenty years ago. Its almost like havinghim back.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

XDSL Technology Essay Example For Students

XDSL Technology Essay The accelerated growth of content rich applications and online gaming, which demand high bandwidth, has changed the nature of information networks. High-speed communication is now an ordinary requirement throughout business, government, academic, and home office environments. Internet access, telecommuting, and remote LAN access are three of the clearly defined services that network access providers are offering now. These rapidly growing applications are placing a new level of demand on the telephone infrastructure. In particular, the local loop portion of the network (i.e., the local connection from the subscriber to the local central office) has become a challenge for telephone companies. Historically, this local loop facility has been provisioned with copper cabling which cannot easily support high bandwidth transmission. This environment is now being stressed by the demand for increasingly higher bandwidth capacities. Although this infrastructure could be replaced by a massive r ollout of fiber technologies, the cost to do so would be insupportable in todays business models and, more importantly, the time to accomplish such a transition is unacceptable because the market demand exists today! Telephone companies are already faced with growing competition and unprecedented customer demandsA new category of companies, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), has emerged in this market as providers of data services. Traditionally ISPs have used the telephone company infrastructure. However, thanks to deregulation, they now have direct access to the physical cable plant. ISPs will be formidable competitors in this quest for the customers. Network service providers around the world fill this moment with great potential for remarkable success. We will write a custom essay on XDSL Technology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A new technology called high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL) has emerged onto this scene. xDSL, which encompasses several different technologies, essentially allows the extension of megabit bandwidth capacities from the service provider central office to the customer premises on a customer by customer basis over the existing copper cabling, without the need for massive infrastructure replacement and at very reasonable costs. These new xDSL solutions satisfy the business need to provision the network in a fast, cost effective manner, while preserving the infrastructure and allowing a planned migration into newer technologies. xDSL has the ability to meet the customer demand for high bandwidth right now, at costs that make sense. xDSL is a group of emerging Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) modem technologies for supporting high-rate traffic transmission over POTS lines. X stands for asymmetric in ADSL, rate adaptive in RADSL, high-speed in HDSL, and very high speed in VDSL. xDSL Delivers Broadband over Copper The best thing about xDSL technologies is their ability to transport large amounts of information across existing copper telephone lines. This is possible because xDSL modems leverage signal processing techniques that insert and extract more digital data onto analog lines. The key is modulation, a process in which one signal modifies the property of another. ADSL Development and Deployment Progress Of all the emerging xDSL technologies, ADSL is receiving the most attention because there is a standard (DMT) for it, and its capabilities provide NSPs with a competitive offering to cable modems. But there is increasing interest in symmetrical xDSL offerings such as HDSL and SDSL. As a local access service, ADSL s implementation has no critical drawbacks. It can be deployed as an overlay network where there is subscriber demand, eliminating the need for NSPs to risk building out their infrastructure unnecessarily in the hope that the technology will catch on. ADSL development and deployment is focused primarily in North America, followed by northern Europe and the Pacific Rim. In North America, US West, GTE, Ameritech, SBC, BellSouth, and Edmonton Tel (Canada) are the service providers leading the current wave of ADSL/xDSL deployment. Covad, Northpoint, and a handful of other CLECs are entering high-density metropolitan areastypically offering a portfolio of xDSL offerings at different classes of service and price points, and competing with incumbent local exchange carriers. Chicago-based InterAccess was the first ISP to offer ADSL. Telia (Sweden), Telenor (Norway), British Telecom (UK), and Telfonica (Spain) are leading xDSL proponents in Europe. In the Pacific Rim, Telstra (Australia), Ho ng Kong Telecom, and Singtel (Singapore) are deploying xDSL for data and video applications. ADSL modems have been tested successfully by more than 40 telephone companies, and close to 50,000 lines have been installed in various technology trials and commercial deployments. Increasingly, alternative service providers such as enterprises, multi-tenant building owners, hospitality businesses (hotels and resorts), and office park developers are offering or considering offering ADSL to their users as private network operators. In early 90s xDSL technologies were tested by some of the regional Bell operating companies in the United States, as well as several European telephone companies. At that time, the driving applications behind xDSL were video on demand (VOD) and interactive TV (ITV). Those applications were seen as potentially explosive sources of revenue growth for the residential market. In 1995, interest shifted toward the online world and more specifically the World Wide Web. T he increasing demand for bandwidth with which to access the Web is one of the primary applications at which xDSL technologies are now targeted. However, xDSL technologies are also being looked at in conjunction with several other applications. These applications may produce a far greater revenue stream in near future compared to broadband Web access for residential market. Listed below are just a few examples of how xDSL technology can be utilized:Intranet access for organizations that are standardizing on a Web based, client server model is one of primary xDSL applications. An organization that has implemented an Intranet will require higher bandwidth afforded by xDSL in order to link their remote offices and telecommuters to the more demanding business oriented applications running on their private Web servers. xDSL technologies have the potential to prove far more effective in low cost, high throughput, LAN to LAN connectivity than ISDN or traditional leased lines. Since xDSL operates at the physical layer, it could emerge as the most cost effective method of carrying frame relay traffic from the service subscriver to the frame relay network. As with frame relay the xDSL technologies can also be used to carry ATM cells to an ATM access device, where they are statistically mulltiplexed over an ATM backbone. Digital Subscriber Line, or DSL, is fundamentally another name for an ISDN-BRI channel operating at the Basic Rate Interface with two 64 kbps switched channels and one 16 kbps packet switching and signaling channel. This circuit can carry both voice and data in both directions at the same time. xDSL refers to those various arrangements in which advanced modulating techniques are imposed onto the local channel in order to derive higher throughput in one or both directions. The various types of xDSL are described in the following paragraphs. High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) derives its name from the high bandwidth that is transmitted in both directions over two copper loops. HDSL has proven to be a reliable and cost effective means for providing repeater-less T1 and E1 services over two twisted pair loops. This proven technology has already resulted in the deployment of over 300,000 HDSL equipped circuits throughout the local access infrastructure. HDSL transceivers can reliably transmit a 2.048 Mbps data signal over two non-loaded, 24 gauge (0.5mm), unconditioned twisted wire pair loops at a distance of up to 13 kft (4.2 km) without the need for repeaters. Eliminating the need for repeater equipment and removal of bridged taps significantly simplifies the labor and engineering effort to provision the service. This attribute eliminates the need to identify, modify, and verify a controlled environment, with power, secured access, and other factors needed to support repeater equipment. It also reduces the time, cost, and effort of isolating faults and taking corrective action when a failure does occur. Studies by some service providers have indicated that trouble shooting and replacing defective repeater equipment often costs significantly more than the cost of the equipment itself. These attributes translate into increased network up time and reduced engineering time; making possible T1 provisioning in a matter of days, as opposed to weeks. Faster service provisioning and greater up time leads to increased customer satisfaction and increased service revenues. To provision a 12 kft (3.6 km) local loop with traditional T1 transmission equipment requires two transceivers and two repeaters. To provision the same loop with HDSL, requires only two HDSL transceivers, one at each end of a line. .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .postImageUrl , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:hover , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:visited , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:active { border:0!important; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:active , .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56 .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub00818136e70754ac4394ed6e965ea56:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Civil Rights Movement EssaySingle-pair or Symmetric High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (S-HDSL/SDSL) operate on a single copper pair as opposed to the traditional two pair HDSL described above. S-HDSL/SDSL allows easy implementation of applications that require symmetric data rates on a single local loop while maintaining the existing POTS on the same loop. Because only one pair is needed in this arrangement, the capacity of the entire local loop infrastructure is greatly magnified. With this capability, local providers can extract the maximum value from their existing plant, or deploy new capacities both more quickly and at a lower capital expenditure. This allows for rapid and cost effective deployment of intermediate data rate services. Potential uses for this technology include fractional T1 with a particular advantage in 768 kbps systems, Home Office, LAN Access, Distance Learning, Internet Access, and Campus or Large Facility LAN to LAN connectivity. Since S-HDSL/SDSL can be implemented with and without POTS and at multiple data rates, it can have different capacity and reach limitations. This allows for easy, cost effective implementation of such services as remote cell site support of PCs, remote LAN access, distance education and training, digital imaging, or any other service which requires a larger amount of bandwidth. Probably the most common xDSL type is Asymmetric Digital Subscriber, which takes its name from the comparatively high bandwidth in one direction, with low bandwidth in the opposite direction. ADSL uses a single phone line for transmission. Many service providers have also come to recognize its potential to support a range of data applications. Additionally, ADSLs ability to operate at speeds of up to 6 Mbps positions it to support real time broadcast services and pre-recorded interactive video services; and to have multiple video and data activities underway simultaneously. ADSL supports applications with asymmetric traffic demands such as:Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line (RADSL) is a simple extension of ADSL used to encompass and support a wide variety of data rates depending on the lines transmission characteristics. This is advantageous in situations in which there is a lower bandwidth demand and in situations in which the line quality is less than needed for full bandwidth implementations. Very High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) provides very high bandwidth asymmetrically (up to 52 Mbps in one direction and 2 Mbps in the other) to businesses and residences with broadband access requirements over a Fiber-To-The-Curb (FTTC) network. Within the FTTC architecture, VDSL will address the last section of copper cabling to the subscriber premises. Typical distance and implementation of VDSL is 1 km @ 26 Mbps. Unfortunately, this type of xDSL is not very common because of lack of FTTC networks available today. XDSL signals are designed to maximize the rate of transmission of digital signals through non loaded twisted pairs, making use of bandwidths that can be greater than 1MHz, much greater than the 3000Hz or so allocated for voice transmission. There are several types of xDSL signal in commercial use today. Each signal type is implemented in circuitry with accompanying software, called a transceiver. The transceiver design includes the encoding or modulation scheme along with decoding or demodulation applied to convert serial binary data streams into a form suitable for transmission through twisted wire pairs. The transceivers may also employ various signal processing, equalization, amplification, and shaping techniques to adapt transmission for physical attenuation and phase distortions experienced by signals transmitted through twisted wire pairs. The transceiver software and circuitry may also use coding techniques to detect and correct noise that is present on a twisted wire pair. A variety of signal processing techniques have been developed over the past10 years to increase the bit rate of digital transmission through telephone loop twisted pairs. The following sections will describe these technologies. The DSL acronym was first used as shorthand to refer to the line code designed to support basic rate integrated services digital network (ISDN) transmission through twisted wire pair loops. The ISDN basic rate signal is required to carry an information payload of 144kbps, consisting of two B channels of 64kbps each and one packet data or D channel of 16kbps added for framing, error detection, and other overhead functions. The ISDN line of U interface operates at a raw data rate of 160kbps. In the mid 1980s the T1 committee in the United States created a standard U interface using a four-level line code referred to as 2B1Q for two binary bits per symbol carried by a quaternary symbol design. 2B1Q line code was designed to support ISDN transmission through loops of 18000ft or less, meeting voltage pulses of +/- 875V and +/- 2.625V. The symbol rate is 80000 baud and the energy spectrum used by ISDN peaks at 40000Hz. The ISDN signal is transmitted in full duplex mode, bidirectionally on the same pair of wires. In order to accomplish this, transceivers must contain a hybrid function to separate the two directions of transmission. To help the receiver differentiate between far-end transmission and reflections of near-end transmission from irregularities in the twisted pair transmission line due to wire gauge changes and bridged taps, echo cancellation tecniquess are used. The range of operation of ISDN is dictated by both attenuation and self near-end crosstalk (NEXT) from adjacent 2B1Q ISDN signals. The 2B1Q line code is sometimes referred to as a baseband signal because it uses energy in frequencies down to zero, overlapping with the voice frequency band. In order to carry voice through a DSL, the voice signal is digitized using PCM techniques and carried in one of the B channels. In ISDN applications the D channel is reserverd for data packets that are primarily used for call processing. In carrying simultaneous voice and data the ISDN basic rate line carries a maximum of 64kbps of data. In the absence of voice, both B channels may be bonded together to increase the data capacity to 128kbps. Both ends of an ISDN connection must use the same bonding protocol. ISDN connections are made by dialed access though a local digital switch that also terminates voice lines. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) utilizes amplitude and phase modulation to transmit multiple bits per baud. Unmodulated signal exhibits only two possible states allowing us only to transmit a zero or a one. With QAM, it is possible to transmit many more bits per state as there are many more states. This scheme utilizes a signal that can be synthesized by summing amplitude modulated cosine and sine waves. These two components, being 90 deg out of phase, are called quadrature, hence the name Quadrature Amplitude Modulation . By combining amplitude and phase modulation of a carrier signal, we can increase the number of states and thereby transmit more bits per every state change. .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .postImageUrl , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:hover , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:visited , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:active { border:0!important; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:active , .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u27e023a7743fadf385f488d3be07d06f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Portrait of a Beautiful Woman EssayCarrierless amplitude and phase (CAP) modulation technique is closely related to QAM in that amplitude and phase are used to represent the binary signal. The difference between CAP and QAM lies in the state representation of the constellation pattern. CAP does not use a carrier signal to represent the phase and amplitude changes. Rather, two waveforms are used to encode the bits. The encoder replaces a stream of digital data with a complex equation that symbolizes a point on the constellation diagram. Thus, for a 32-CAP, there would be 32 possible locations on the diagram, all of which can be represented as a vector consisting of real and imaginary coordinates. Consequently, 32-CAP would result in 32 distinct equations of the type, each one representing five bits of data. CAP modulation is very suitable for use with ADSL. The spectrum from 0 to 4 kHz, voice band, is designated for plain old telephone services (POTS). Downstream (ATU-C to ATU-R), the spectrum from 26 kHz to 1.1 MHz is further divided into 249 discrete channels. Upstream (ATU-R to ATU-C), the spectrum above the POTS band consists of 25 channels between 26 kHz and 138 kHz. Echo canceling between the downstream and upstream signals permits reuse of these sub-channels. With the exception of carriers used for timing, each carrier is capable of carrying data. However, only those carriers with sufficient signal to noise ratio (SNR) are allocated payload for transmission. Each transmitting carrier is allotted a bit count and transmit power, based on the characteristics of the sub-channel. This results in an optimized data transfer rate for the current line c onditions. DMT allocates bits and transmission power away from the induced noise. The advantages of this process are an optimized data rate and less interference with other services existing in the same sheath, due to the symmetrical nature of induced crosstalk. The DMT technique exhibits a high degree of spectral compatibility based on power spectral density, rather than absolute transmit power. DMT has a substantial advantage over single carrier modulation systems in the presence of impulse noise. DMT spreads impulses over a large number of bits, averaging peaks. Only if the average exceeds the margin does DMT produce an error single carrier systems will error every time a peak exceeds the margin. Discrete wavelet multitone (DWMT) technology increases the usable capacity of telephone wires and coaxial cable, allowing telephone companies and cable operators to deliver two-way broadband telecommunications services over their existing networks. DWMT uses Multicarrier Modulation. A multicarrier system uses a transmission band efficiently by dividing it into hundreds of subchannels that are totally independent and spectrally isolated. In practice, implementations of multicarrier systems use orthogonal digital transformations on blocks of data, a process called subchannelization, in an attempt to achieve the frequency partitioning shown in the figure below. By keeping the signal subchannel power contained in a narrow bandwidth, each subchannel occupies only a small fraction of the total transmission band and overlaps only with immediately adjacent subchannels. When a signal is transmitted over a long copper loop (e.g. several miles), the higher frequency components of the signal att enuate significantly more (tens of dB) than the lower frequency components. Narrowband interferers from AM or amateur radio signals also affect the transmission by destroying the signal in parts of the band. Multicarrier technology, called Discrete Wavelet Multitone (DWMT), provides subchannel isolation that is superior to DMT. DWMT uses an advanced digital wavelet transform instead of the Fourier transform used in DMT. The T1.413 standard for ADSL defines two categories of modems: frequency division multiplex (FDM) modems (Category I) and echo cancellation modems (Category II). FDM systems allocate separate frequency bands for upstream and downstream transmissions. Echo canceled systems send upstream and downstream signal over the same frequencies. Since the attenuation of a signal over a copper line increases with frequency, it is desirable to transmit data using a frequency band that is as low as possible. In an ADSL system, the lowest attenuated frequencies begin right after the POTS band. In FDM system, the lower frequency band is used for upstream transmission while the downstream transmissions are allocated to the higher attenuated frequencies. Some xDSL transceivers use echo cancellation (similar to the echo cancellation utilized in the standard V.34 28.8kbps duplex modem) to exploit the lower attenuated frequencies and increase its downstream performance. By utilizing the lower frequencies for both upstream and downstream performance, the transceiver can deliver higher downstream performance, particularly on the longer loops where the higher frequencies become severely attenuated. In an effort to promote interoperability among FDM and EC systems, the echo-canceled transceivers can be configured to operate in an FDM mode in order to communicate with a category I (FDM) modem. The twisted pair wire between the telephone central office and end users of telecommunication services has a great deal more information capacity than used for the regular voice services. Several baseband and passband transmission systems collectively referred to as xDSL, have been developed over the last ten years that enable up to several megabits per second of data to be carried over the regular telephone twisted pair line. The xDSL family of technologies provides a wide variety of line driving schemes to accomplish and satisfy different market needs over todays infrastructure. xDSL has application in both the corporate and residential environments as well as flexibility to meet the market challenges. Since xDSL operates at the physical layer of OSI seven layer standard, it can be used in conjunction with ATM and Frame Relay technology. The most promising of the xDSL technologies for integrated Internet access, intranet access, remote LAN access, video-on-demand, and lifeline POTS applications in the near term is ADSL or R-ADSL (a rate-adaptive version of ADSL). During the past year, ADSL has concluded trials by more than 40 network service providers throughout the world, primarily in North America and northern Europe. Service introduction began in 1997, but ADSL service is still being rolled out in many areas. In the meantime, xDSL technologies and standards will continue to evolve, as will user demand for these emerging services relative to other local access service alternatives. The ability to utilize the existing telephone copper wire infrastructure as well as interoperability with ATM and Frame Relay technology, position xDSL as the most promising of the broadband access technology options for both residential and business users1.Marlis Humphrey and John Freeman, How XDSL Supports Broadband Services to the Home, IEEE Network., vol. 11, no. 1, Jan-Feb 1997, p. 14-23. 2.George T. Hawley, Systems Considerations for the use of XDSL Technology for Data Acce ss, IEEE Communication, vol. 35, no. 3, Mar 1997, p. 56-60. 3.Bhumip Khasnabish, Broadband to the Home (BTTH): Architectures, Access Methods, and the Appetite for it, IEEE Communication, vol. 35, no. 3, Mar 1997, p. 58-69 4.ADSL Forum website , www.adsl.com 5.Analog Devices website, www.analog.com Bibliography:1.Marlis Humphrey and John Freeman, How XDSL Supports Broadband Services to the Home, IEEE Network., vol. 11, no. 1, Jan-Feb 1997, p. 14-23. 2.George T. Hawley, Systems Considerations for the use of XDSL Technology for Data Access, IEEE Communication, vol. 35, no. 3, Mar 1997, p. 56-60. 3.Bhumip Khasnabish, Broadband to the Home (BTTH): Architectures, Access Methods, and the Appetite for it, IEEE Communication, vol. 35, no. 3, Mar 1997, p. 58-69 4.ADSL Forum website , www.adsl.com 5.Analog Devices website, www.analog.com 6.Kimo website, www.kimo.com 7.Westell website, www.westell.com

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Douglas Dunn and Trisha Brown essays

Douglas Dunn and Trisha Brown essays Trisha Brown was born in 1936, in Aberdeen, Washington. She studied with Anna Halprin, another famous dancer, while a dance major at Mills College. Trisha Brown went to New York in 1960, and in 1962 became a founding member of the Judson Dance Theater. A few years later she organized her own company, which was incorporated in 1970. In that year she also became a founding member of the Grand Union, an improvisational dance theater company. In her dances, Brown uses ordinary movements in extraordinary circumstances. She works in structured improvisation and describes her choreographic approach as similar to that of a brick-layer with a sense of humor. One of Trisha Browns first dances was called Falling Duets (1968). This piece demands alertness, ingenuity and good reflexes as two performers take turns falling and ` One of Trisha Browns techniques is called accumulation .This is dancing like adding links to a chain. Each movement is a new link and then the whole sequence is repeated again from the beginning. Later on the dancer rotated gradually, eventually making a 360 degree turn. The dancer also performed the chain in different positions (propped up against the wall, on the floor). Then, sometimes, she would de-accumulate by eliminating movements from the beginning of the phrase with each repetition. In 1971 Browns Roof Piece, another famous piece, spread out over a twelve block radius in lower Manhattan. Stationed on rooftops, the dancers relayed movements from one to another trying to reproduce them with the least amount of distortion. The unusual locations in her dances were used because they had effects on not only the choreography but on the audiences perception as well. From 1968-1972, Brown experimented with equipment pieces. These enabled her to exploit neglected performance spaces, ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Study for the ACT 10-Step Plan

How to Study for the ACT 10-Step Plan SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is quite possibly one of the most important tests you'll take in high school; it's vitalto go in prepared.With somany sources offering thesolution to your test preparation needs, how are you supposed to know which path to take? What follows is a summary of the best advice I haveto offer on how to studyfor the ACT, based on my extensive experience as a tutor.I'll cover when to start studying, where to find practice materials, and how to approach the process itself. This guide will give you a complete plan for studying for the ACT. 3 Guiding Principles of ACT Study We'll get to the specific recommendations in a minute, but first I want to establish the underlying tenets that should guide your ACT preparation. #1: Personalize and Individualize No two people are exactly alike- nor should their study plans be. Make sure your study plan suits your individual needs. We at PrepScholar know a lot about test prep, but you know the most aboutyou. Think about how you can use the flexibility in our suggested plan to serve you better. If you'd rather study two hours straight, fine. If you'd rather study for four half-hour increments, that's fine, too. Do what's going to work best for you! #2: Start Early Give yourself plenty of time for the test preparation process. Three months should be sufficient for most students' needs, but those looking for an extreme score increase might need to stretch this timeline out to six months. Of course, that means you should know which boat you're in at least six months ahead of the test, so you'll want to start paying some attention to the process that early. #3: Doing Something Beats Doing Nothing What if you don't have six months, or even three months, to think about test preparation? What if you only have 15 minutes a day that you can spend studying? What if you don't have four hours free to take a practice exam? Use what you have- even if it's just 15 minutes a day for a month and a half, it'll be much better than nothing. If you have to break your practice exam(s) into multiplesittings, so be it. Not being in a position to do something right shouldn't be an excuse for not doing it at all.A little preparation is better than none. Even very little outweighs nothing at all. The ACT Prep Process: 10-Step Plan Now that we've covered the basics, let's get into the detailsof how to study for the ACT. Step 1: Read Up on the ACT If you have any lingering doubts about the ACT'sformat, its scoring, or the implications of various scores on your college hopes, this is the time to sort those questions out. Being fully comfortable with the test will help you relax a little, not to mention study more effectively. Step 2: Take a Practice Test Give this first test your best effort so as to get a more realistic score. On that note, make sure you're using an official ACT practice test. These will give you the most accurate sense of the ACT as well as the most accurate results. Plus, they're available for free! While you're taking this practice exam, make sure to read the instructions carefully;getting used to these directions will be a vital part of your test preparation. They don't change from edition to edition of the test, and you don't want to waste time on test day reading the same directions you could have grown familiar with months ago. Besides, fully understanding the task will save you a lot of grief. Oftentimes, we tend to answer the wrong question because we don't fully realize what's being asked of us. Step 3: Score Your Practice Test Review each and every question you got wrong. See why you missed the questions you did. Which ones were careless errors, and which ones were genuine weak spots in terms of content? Pay attention to all these problems since they give you good information on your tendencies, including where you tend to get careless and where you need to understand the directions better. Many practice tests come complete with answer explanations,and these are a great tool to use when you're looking at the problems you missed. Otherwise, try plugging the correct answer in and working through the problem with the goal in mind; this might help clarify things. Don't forget you can also ask for help if you're still struggling to make sense of something. Once you've got a good handle on which questions you missed (and why you missed them), try to identify the patterns of your strengths and weaknesses. Treat this as a diagnosis for where to spend the majority of your time for the next fewmonths. Step 4: Set a Reasonable Goal You know how the ACT works and you know where you stand. How much do you think you could stand to improve? What's a bit of a stretch, but still realistic? If you're scoring in the low 20s, it's too much to expect to land in the 30s. If you're scoring in the mid- to high 20s, though, a goal in the 30s might be reasonable depending on how committed you are to the process and how many resources you're willing and able to use. To set a specific ACT goal score, you'll need to look at the average ACT scores of admitted applicants to the schools you're applying to.Your goal score must be higher than these averages to give you the best chance of admission. For more tips on how to set an ACT goal score, check out our step-by-step guide. Winning at darts while blindfolded isnot a reasonablegoal. Step 5: Decide What Tools You'll Use Whatever course you take for studying, you'll need some good resources. Official resources are always the place to start.If you need to supplement ACT, Inc.'s materials, though, make sure you're looking at the credentials behind anyproduct and the average results of the people who have used itbefore you. You might choose to work solo, using books,websites, and apps on your own. This is something you should be doing to some extent no matter what. Again, you're the expert on you,so it makes sense to work out some kinks on your own. It's one of the most efficient and cheapest ways to study. Many times, however, it's not quite enough. You might choose to take advantage of an online prep program. This is kind of a happy medium; you're still working on your own, but you're getting external guidance and expertise. The guidance is all based on your work and progress and uses very accurate algorithms. That being said, it lacks that personal touch of in-person contact. You might choose to join a group course. There, you can bounce ideas around with peers and a facilitator. You've got the in-person feel, you've got great accountability, and you can ask questions specific to your needs, but the true personalization will be somewhat limited by the format. You can also choose individual tutoring. The great thing about this option is that you can get the most specialized, individualized, expert instruction available.You also get that in-person need met, though the cost is frequently prohibitive and your time with your tutor will almost certainly be limited by logistical constraints. Generally speaking, you're going to get your best results when you mix and match.It would be ideal if you could work on your own while also taking a course or completing an online program and getting tutoring. Of course, you'll need to consider all the practical restraints such as budget.Figure out what's going to get you the results you need without causing undue hardship in the present time. Step 6: Practice Follow some sort of routine for your ACT practice. Generally, you should be studying between 30 minutes and three hours each time you study- closer to 30 minutes if you're studying pretty much every day, and closer to three hours if you're only studying a couple times a week. Try to usea combination of books, websites/videos, and in-person guidance. No matter what resources you're using, it's a good idea to switch things up once in a while so you cover all your bases and give your brain a degree of variety. Our brains thrive on change, so take advantage of this fact. Step 7: Take Another Practice Test This is where things start to sound a little repetitive. You'll want to take another practice test to measure your progress. This also serves as a chance to to continue getting more comfortable with the format and layout of the ACT. You're actually going to do this a fewmore times, too,if you have room in your schedule. There's nothing like a mock exam for practicing both content and format. Aim to take a practice ACT every three weeks. You can take them less often if testing so frequently doesn't make sense in your situation, or you can opt for more often if you're feeling shaky on the tasks. Regardless,aim for at least three practice tests before the real thing. It's best to take each practice test in a single sitting under actual exam conditions so you can acclimate to the environment. This means taking the test in a quiet room and using the same time constraints you'll have on the ACT. Afterwards, analyze your results with the same care you did the first time around and plan any necessary adjustments to your routine. Time for ACT practice tests should come around periodically. Step 8: Practice Some More Continue on with your ACT study routine, making any adjustments according to the results of your most recent practice exam. Keep using the resources that helped you the most during the last round of practice, and also keep incorporating variety into your drills. Whether you're working with a tutor or not, it's a great idea to find someone who's willing to help you by being a test preparation "buddy." This could be anyone from a parent to a friend to a school librarian, just as long as they hold you accountable to your process and encourage you along the way. Step 9: Repeat Steps 7 and 8 As I mentioned before, things become cyclical at this point. You're going to study and test, study and test, right up until exam time. Keep assessing your progress,and keep asking others who are following your effortsto weigh in. Always be open to adjusting your process according to what's working and what's not. The week before the test, start to slow things down. Don't take a practice exam in that final week, and don't study quite as much; you know what you know, and it's no use driving yourself into a frenzy trying to cram anyremaining factoids into your brain. A day or two before the test, stop studying altogether, and use that time to rest and recuperate. Step 10: Maintain Self-Care Throughout the process of studying, make sure you're taking good care of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Give yourself regular encouragement. Get ample rest and do some recreational activities. Reward your hard work with small treats, whether that's an ice cream cone or a walk in the park. While you should always pay attention to your sleep,it becomes especially crucial three days to a week before the test. Our bodies don't operatesolely onthe sleep of the night before but a night or two before that. Gather all your materials the night before the ACT, and don't forget to have a good breakfast and plan in plenty of extra time for getting to the test center. Also, remind yourself that while the ACT is an important test, it doesn't define you or your future success.Keep the test in perspective. Reminders for Your ACT Studying Reading is hugely important. Even when you're not officially studying for the test, reading many different styles and genres (and actively engaging with the texts) can help prepare you for the ACT, specifically the Reading and English sections. Set minor goals to help you achieve your overarching goal. It's great to see goals getting checked off the list, and having a set of actionable, achievable items to work toward will provide invaluable guidance when you're not sure where to go next. I've said this before, but vary the sources you use and the ways you study.Our brains tend to shut down after too much repetition, so throw yourself a few curve ballswhenever possible. Remember that study buddy I said to find? Seek them out for encouragement and use them to help you stay on track when things get difficult. They can talk you through any challenges that arise in your prep. People who will give you good counsel are invaluable. Conclusion: How to Study for the ACT Studying for the ACT can seem like an overwhelming task. However,by establishing a routine of studying and taking full-length practice tests, it can be broken down into manageable steps. Your ACT study plan should be personalized,but it should also include some basic elements like frequent practice tests and varied sources to use in solo study. Similarly, it's a good idea to pursue an ACT prep course (in-person or online) and/or individual tutoring. In all of this, though, don't forget to take care of yourself- the ACT should be serving you, not the other way around.Get good rest, and make time for the fun things in life. Remember that the ACT does not determine your fate all alone. What's Next? If you want to get started on reading up about the ACT,we've got an article that covers what exactly a good score looks like, along with tips on how to get there. Need help coming up with an ACT study plan?Check out our four sample plans, and get tips on how to study for the ACT if you've only got a month before test day. Aiming for a perfect ACT score?Then read our expert tips on how to get one, from a verified 36 scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Opera market Political analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Opera market Political analysis - Assignment Example Every organization carrying out any income generating activity has the obligation to pay taxes depending the existing rates and the amount of income (Christensen 1). For the company to maintain good political relations with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it must pay tax promptly as applicable and fill tax return. Second, the company faces the task to adhere to the rules governing the intellectual property laws. Business ideas, logos, names or inventions need protection by the above law. Therefore, any emerging business such as the Opera House must adhere to such rules to avoid future squabbles with anyone who may intend to steal their business ideas. Applying for a patent through the US patents and trademark office may be a bold step to take towards registration of the opera services (Kendall 441). Opera being a movie production business issue like copyrights records have to be set straight. Third, the company will have to check with Environmental Protection Agency on which environmental rules and regulations apply to their and comply with them. Opera being an operator in the entertainment industry means some noise pollution regulations may apply to it (Tajtakova 365). There are also state environmental laws to meet with for example state of New Jersey has its particular environmental laws Finally, the workplace safety and health law is also a significant regulation the company will have to comply. Workers’ safety and health are critical. Therefore, the company have to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The company must identify the possible hazards to the employees and takes measures to minimize such

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Swot analysis for passaic court house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Swot analysis for passaic court house - Essay Example It examines, in detail these aspects of my organization, and identifies how the organization can use this strength in advancing its objectives. Under the internal analysis, this paper also identifies the weaknesses of the Passaic Court House. It gives in detail, how the organization can use this information to reduce the threats that might emanate from its own weaknesses. This paper also gives an in-depth discussion on how the employees at the Passaic court house can use the resources at their disposal to achieve the goals and objectives of the business organization. The departments under review are the office of the prosecutor, the human resource department, Finance and Accounting, and the management office. This paper also analyzes the external environment of the Passaic Court House. The analysis includes the opportunities and the threats the organization faces. In analyzing the external environment in which the Passaic Court House operates, this paper takes into consideration the the demographic, and the economic environment. This paper analyzes how these factors create opportunities and threats to the affairs of the Passaic Court House. This paper provides recommendations that could help the organization to take advantage of the opportunities it has, and reduce the threats it faces. It outlines how these actions will work, and the process of implementing them at the Passaic Court House. The Passaic court house has the ability to attract highly skilled and competent staff. This is a major strength of the business organization, and it is made possible because of the human resource policies of the organization.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

French Revolution Essay Example for Free

French Revolution Essay To fully explain the root cause of Modern Nationalism, one must look into what has transpired in the French Revolution. In 1789, the French revolution was born. There were transitions of power acquisition in the vital parts of Europe. On the 14th of July 1789, Bastille was under siege and on October the King Louis XVI and Royal Family was dethroned from Versailles and ended up to Paris. King Louis XVI was the ruler back then so his downfall can be equated to a total loss of order and authority. There were several attempts to escape the ouster of King Louis XVI but unfortunately it failed. With no clear power over the vast land, an assembly was formed to have a well-rounded and organized republic comprised of Austria, Holland, Prussia and Sardinia. When the republic was formed, King Louis was executed for his tyranny which have entailed for the sprouting of the Revolutionary Tribunal. France did not participate with this ideology because of the resistance of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte acquired control of the Consulate to proliferate a uniform law, equality, property rights and eradication of feudalism. Geographically, France is situated between the two large clusters of the liberal advocates. Basically, the French Revolution was the clash between the liberals and the radicals. Liberalists are those people who adhere to a just society through the divine law that is hereditary through culture while radicals are those who adhere to line of thinking that change and variation from the old system must manifest for a better society. From the clashes of the two opposing ideologies of the French Revolution, a new ideology was formed which is the Modern Nationalism. Nationalism is an ideology which focuses on the unity of the members of the nation to have a single national identity given basis to ethnicity, origin and the cultural background of these nations (Miscevic, 2005). The essence of adhering to the Nationalist Ideology is to establish a state. A state is political entity that is assumed to have a high degree of sovereignty (Miscevic, 2005). The state has a high sovereignty because it is assumed that the power is centralized with this entity. All of the members of the nation must abide to the imposed terms and conditions made by the state. The state can be polymorphous in way that it can be democratic and also can be totalitarian. The two opposing kingdoms of Italy and Germany were united. Despite of their contrasting beliefs, they found a way to remedy the situation and push through for the development of the nation. In 1871, they were united but the times went sour when the nation needed a sole leader of the two states. It is assumed and predicted that there will be conflict between Italy and Germany because of their adherence to Liberalism and Nationalism, respectively. Guissepe Mazzini was a radical revolutionary thinker that viewed the Italy as a state under an umbrella of control by a foreign authority. He wanted to free Italy from nationalistic ideology that it has adhered to since he was a liberalist. With his propaganda mission, he was put into bars in Italy. His revolutionary act were extremely refuted by the nationalist view hence he did not stop pursuing his effort of shifting Italy to a liberal state. Nationalism is a good ideology but it has some loopholes like any other ideologies. Some of them are: it is too predictive and presumptuous, why, because it always aims to unite people that are completely different from one another. Cultural relativism can be an issue for nationalism. Second, the selection of state that will be the center of authority, this is very important hence no one could tell what possible qualities should a good state possess and it all boils down to who has the greater means of production. Lastly, it assumes that the world possesses a harmonious relation, but in reality, we are driven by conflict. References Cody, D. (2007). French Revolution. The Victorian Website. Hartwick College. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from http://www. victorianweb. org/history/hist7. html Spitzer, A. (2005). Tocqueville’s Modern Nationalism. Oxford Journals. University of Iowa. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from http://fh. oxfordjournals. org/cgi/content/abstract/19/1/48 Chastain, J. (2004). Guissepe Mazzini. Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from http://www. ohiou. edu/~chastain/index. htm Chew, R. (1995). Napoleon I: Emperor of French. Lucidcafe Website. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from http://www. lucidcafe. com/lucidcafe. html Miscevic, N. (2005). Nationalism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved on November 6, 2007 from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/nationalism/#1. 2

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Using their Powers For Bad :: essays research papers

Over the years, there have been multiple occasions in which the entertainment industry has stuck it’s nose in places where it doesn’t belong. Instead doing their job of providing the general public with music, movies, and television shows that will amuse them, and divert them from their normal everyday life, people in Hollywood are using their status of high respect to influence others political views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In August of 1972, as the Vietnam War was winding down, Jane Fonda visited North Vietnam. While she was there, she visited many of the places where the Vietnamese people were living, and also the Vietnamese soldiers. One photo that was taken of her instantly became famous. She was posing on an NVA anti-aircraft gun, the same guns that were used to shoot down American planes. While American soldiers were over in Vietnam putting their lives on the line for our country, she went to visit the enemy, and sit in the gun seat of anti-American weaponry. While members of our military were fighting for their lives, she was using her celebrity and money to protest the war, and influence others to do the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a member of a highly respected industry, others took the views and opinions of Jane Fonda very seriously. When someone of that status goes to other countries, and makes statements such as Jane Fonda did, other countries begin to believe that they are the views of the entire country. Her anti-war feelings were construed as being the general sentiment of all Americans because she was the one who was famous enough to have here opinions documented and widely publicized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another celebrity who has used her fame for reasons other than entertainment is Sheryl Crow. She has not gone quite as far as Jane Fonda did in the seventies, but has still used notoriety to influence others. She frequently wears anti-war apparel at her concerts and other Hollywood events, and always sneaks in some sort of â€Å"no war† speech into all of her interviews. In 2003 during a March concert in London, Natalie Maines, the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, took a break from performing to make some very controversial comments. She claimed that, â€Å"we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.† A comment may felt was completely uncalled for, it caused many people to boycott them. Patrons that paid for those tickets did not do so in order to hear a political debate, they paid to hear a concert.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

LAN Based Inventory System Essay

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem Nowadays, computerized system is the main tool that will help to lessen the work and improve data integrity. Working in a company that has no system takes a lot of time and effort to retrieve the data that they want because the large part of the process of the business is manual. MIS (Management Information System) Office is divided into three (3) sections: Systems Development and Administration Section, Network and Technical Maintenance Section, and Education and Training Section. The project will only focus on one of the three sections, which is the Network and Technical Maintenance Section. . MISO caters their services and requests to other Local Government Offices and National Agencies within the Pasig City Hall. Some of these departments and offices are the License Office, Treasurer’s Office, Accounting Office, National Statistics Office (NSO), etc. Network and Technical Maintenance is having a hard time in keeping their records since all of it is written down on paper. Whenever they need to look for a specific report, they would have to go through the pile of service records in the office. This consumes too much time. All requests for peripheral devices, such as printers, keyboards, and monitors, are in the form of a letter, and all requests for services like troubleshooting and installation will either be in the form of a letter or a phone call. The Network and Technical Maintenance Section mostly considers the allocation and monitoring of peripheral devices as their major problem in the office. Technicians cannot define clearly whether a specific peripheral device is lost, damaged, for disposal, etc. 1.2 Overview of the Current State of the Technology MIS Office is responsible for research, development, implementation and management of integrated computerized application system of the city government. It is in-charge of providing technical information and education  to the city government employees and its constituents of all barangay through the Computer Literacy Programs. The office is responsible for maintaining the existing data network communication in different offices where the computerized system are installed and used, and updates/coordinates with the contractor of the Network Installation for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. It is also in-charge of evaluating, monitoring and maintaining all computer equipment and directs the utilization of Information Technology (IT) in the different government operation of Pasig City. The department that needs to request a peripheral device is required to provide a letter of request to the Head of MIS office. If the Head of MIS office approved their request, the technician will check if the devices are available and if so, the technician will record and deploy the devices on the designated office. Network and Technical Maintenance Section is only authorized to do all the technical support. If they are going to deploy a device, they have to record to the inventory the peripheral device that they pulled-out. By recording the device, they have to write on the log book all the information needed like type of peripheral device, serial number, name of office, borrowed date, name of technician in-charge, and remarks. To do technical service, the department that needs technical support will call to MIS office and request a technician. The technician should have the service slip before they go to the other department. If the problem can be fixed within the office, the technician will fill-up the form and indicate what they have done. The employee who requested for support will confirm and sign in the service slip. But if it cannot be fixed within the area, the device will be pulled-out to the designated office and will be brought to the MIS office. After bringing the device to the MIS office, the technician will record or log in the information of the peripheral device on the log book and if the device is already fixed, the technician will log-out or return the device to the office.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Existentialism And Modern Analysis

In his writing, Sartre adheres to the famous construct of † the theory of compromise† , as can be seen in his novel â€Å"Nausea†. This † theory of compromise† theme lends itself to the tenets of post-structuralism. Sartre's writings bear much truth, rather, they are all excellent and sublime in their characteristic beauty. Jean-Paul is the father of Existentialist philosophy, in the realm of Literary Studies and the Existentialist movement has been extremely popular amongst Marxists for it seems that Sartre's world view appealed greatly to Marxist sentiments and sensibilities. Sartre's passionate tone and empathic writing ( writing that has the quality of being ‘for the masses')influences one to give the subject of his fervent ruminations and expressions; only the most undivided actualization of esteem, a delegation of importance to Sartre's writings and simply put- one's full attention. The French writer Sartre never failed to extol the ideas behind how ‘Existentialist philosophy is real human philosophy'. Existentialism, in the briefest of lexical salutes, affirms this belief: that people are always in search of something to accomplish in their lives, and even if the most common observation resulting from surveys about the practices of Existentialists; is how they almost never finish what they begin to ‘do' – observations that posit negativity, focusing on the process of how individuals manage their existence instead of outcomes and products, is an immortal tribute to the quality of human living. History can only repeat itself, so much so that definable and manifested change is no longer necessary for positive developments to arise in the history of human civilization. One social institution that can be analyzed using the Existentialist paradigm would be the work force involved in public works and highways. These people dig on freeways that they close off at time in order to fix the plumbing system of cities. They also work in the suburbs. We can look into the life of the lead character of Jean Paul Sartre's â€Å" Nausea†, Antoine Roquentin. Antoine, as the narrator of â€Å"Nausea†, begins his story by saying that â€Å" Tomorrow it will rain in Bouville†. Antoine is a writer who settled in Bouvile ( France) for three years and Mr. Roquentin was conducting historical research on the life of the Marquis de Rollebon. The main concern of the existentialist musings of Antoine was the FACTICITY of life. Facticity, according to Melanie Revienne in â€Å" Existentialist Philosophy and Jean Paul Sartre† is signifies all of the concrete details against the background of which human freedom exists and is limited.. But Antoine is able to gain an epiphany regarding his existence when he thinks to himself, â€Å" People. You must love people. Men are admirable. I want to vomit-and suddenly there is Nausea†¦ Nausea-blinding evidence- I exist- the world exists-I know the world exists. That's all, it makes no difference Time. † Roquentin, at some point in his research becomes bored with the character of Marquis de Rollebon, and instead, he becomes obsessed with the idea that he is actually, writing a book. Antoine is also very preoccupied with the process of regaining the affections and feelings of his former lover Anny, to which she has this to say, â€Å" You can't begin again. † In the end, Antoine becomes fixated with the making of records- musical records- â€Å" the song of the Negresse singer- and he decides to cease working on his book and to try his hand at the production of recorded music in vinyl. â€Å" You must be like us, suffer in rhythm. SPIN ( the city is first to abandon me ) Strains of music above can proudly carry their own death within themselves like an internal necessity, only, they don't exist. A book! Be above existence, make people ashamed of their existence- beautiful, hard as steel. And I might succeed, in the past, nothing but in the past – in accepting myself. † Then Antoine, does â€Å"begin again† when he ends his story, using the same line, â€Å" Tomorrow it will rain in Bouville. † The diggers of the city have all of the systematic order and precision that Antoine evoked as the principal of life. They have the routine boredom of â€Å"nausea†. The diggers have all the time in the world to contemplate the past by the very act of using their work instruments in order to take from the surface, the concrete, grit and hollow that was, and to study the pipes of the city. The water pipes have their tales to tell. And they too can â€Å" begin again† when they close one land orifice ( hole) that they have dug, and start with another section. They make beautiful, the otherwise mundane task of working for the public works and highways.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Similarities and Contrast between the Critos apology and Thoreaus civil disobedience

Similarities and Contrast between the Critos apology and Thoreaus civil disobedience Introduction Critos apology is an essay done by Socrates, a Greek philosopher; where he seeks to express truthfully his beliefs. His apology, which is rather a statement, is viewed as one full of meaning and truth as he addresses his close friend, Crito. Socrates is a critical thinker who is dedicated to moral character and he questioned the beliefs of the youths in Athens who trusted in opinions which were not necessarily true.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities and Contrast between the Critos apology and Thoreau’s civil disobedience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Socrates got a death sentence out of his political activities, which apparently corrupted the youth and the religious practices. The apology details how his disciples tried to aid his escape from prison and how Socrates brought up an argument on whether it was a good idea as he worried too much about the repercussions (Kemerling, 2006). Thoreau Civil Disobedience is the work of Henry David Thoreau who was a nature enthusiast. He wrote the essay titled ‘civil disobedience’, which won many politicians hearts. This essay seeks to find out why people of a state will subscribe to unjust governance without complaining. Thoreau exercised disobedience when he refused to pay poll tax whose returns offered support to the slave trade and the Mexican war, which he so detested and this led to his imprisonment (McElroy, 2005). This case study seeks also to compare and contrast between the essay for Critos apology and Thoreau civil disobedience and stage a personal argument. Similarities between the Critos apology and Thoreau’s civil disobedience Both essays are associated with the way their governments of the day used to function and they also seek to change the mindsets of the people though at different levels. Socrates wants the people to be submissive to the government while Thoreau warns the people who fo llow the laws of the state blindly even if they are infringing on their own rights and they do not reflect what is right in their own view. Thoreau and Crito’s essays believe in morality of human beings. They feel that human beings have the moral authority to be just if given the chance. They feel that no human being would want to default knowingly and it is sad that people still commit injustices even armed with a moral conviction. (Term papers, 2005). The other striking similarity with these two essays is their writing while these history makers were in jail. Thoreaus incarceration resulted from disobeying the laws of the land and it was while in jail that he wrote the ‘civil disobedience’ essay. Socrates was also in jail serving a term awaiting the death penalty for corrupting the youth and discrediting the state preferred religion when he wrote the apology (Term paper, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In both essays, we have philosophers who sought to bring change through defiance. In the apology, Socrates is seen as a highly ethical man who sought to interrogate and discuss the laws before subscribing to them and he questions them and engages youths in discussions where they dissect the stated laws (SparkNotes Editors, 2010) (a). In Thoreau’s civil disobedience essay, the same concerns surface as Thoreau seeks to disobey the laws he does not believe in. He does not find sense when he is supposed to subscribe to laws that do not appeal to him just because the government passed them. His defiance when it comes to paying tax strikes a similarity with Socrates questioning of the laws, which is appealing to the high officials (SparkNotes Editors, 2010) (b). In both the essays, Socrates and Thoreau find themselves on the wrong side of the law for failure to conform to the later. Socrates incarceration emanat es from crimes of corrupting the youth among other crimes against religion. Thoreaus incarceration on the other hand comes from failing to pay tax, which he believes goes into fueling wars and slave trades, things he campaigns against strongly (SparkNotes Editors, 2010) (b). Contrast between the Crito’s apology and Thoreau civil disobedience essays Thoreau’s civil disobedience essay is against the government whereas Socrates’ Critio’s apology is for the government. Thoreau felt that the government was an evil that the people did not need whereas Socrates felt that the government deserved obedience and this called for the people to be submissive to it. Thoreau even came up with a motto that stated that the best government was the one that governed the least. He also added that people were ought to embrace a government that respected their freedoms. This he drove at showing that the absence of the government was what people needed to become successful. The striking difference in these two essays is that Thoreau is more rebellious when it comes to the government and he feels that the government is wrong and it must be subjected to criticism to review the laws that infringe on the people’s rights. On the other hand, Socrates shows devotion to the government of the day and is ready to give up everything to side with its decisions. (Term papers, 2005). While Socrates exercises compassion for the government and seems ready to do anything for it, Thoreau loathes the government and this hatred exceeds when he is jailed for an offence he considers minor. After release from jail, Thoreau does not reform and spreads the word on disobedience influencing the masses to revolt against the government. Socrates goes ahead to loose his life through a death penalty as the government is adamant to see things go its way. Thoreau’s civil disobedience essay is more realistic as compared to Crito’s apology in that it was rebellious and this set up a revolution to implement the changes that people wanted to see. Critos apology on the other hand is more unrealistic in that its primary goal was to ensure that the same views on the government were shared. It did not leave room for an argumentative debate where people would stand on their own ground voicing their own views (Term paper, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities and Contrast between the Critos apology and Thoreau’s civil disobedience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another contrast presents itself from these essays where the Crito apology insinuates that the people of a country are in an agreement with their government. The kill here is that they abide by the laws set by the government and the government in turn protects them. Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience tends to differ by saying that the people of a country do not have to agree with what the government has laid down for them if it is unjust. He feels that rebellion to bad laws is important and people do not have to put up with bad governance as this makes them hypocrites (Term paper, 2005). Socrates and Thoreau are two people with the same concerns about their governments but they bring out their concerns in a disparate way. This is dictated by their beliefs and social standing which makes them trend in different paths. Greece, which is Socrates origin, matches great men with honor and lesser men with shame. This limits Socrates’ ambitions no matter how much he advocated for truth as depicted in the Crito’s apology and he fears to come out of the person he is, as he fears the repercussions of doing so. His friends even organize his escape but his worry about what people will say stops him in his tracks. He is also worried that he will loose his social standing by doing such a thing and sees himself being treated as an outcast (123helpme, 2010). On the other hand, Th oreau is a strong man who is not afraid to voice his opinions and embrace the repercussions that emanate from it. Thoreau believes in self-conviction rather than social conviction and this shows why he is not moved by the masses but by what he feels and believes is right. He feels that individuals have a right to choose what is wrong and right and act accordingly regardless of what the law says about it. He does not believe in the public’s opinion of his actions and therefore discards things such as honor, punishment, and shame as ridiculous (123helpme, 2010) Case study argument Both Socrates and Thoreau were justified in their concerns about the government. However, in my opinion, I feel that Thoreau’s stand in his philosophies would have brought about a lot of harm than good. It would have opened up to a permissive society where there is no order and no one cares what people do.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When he talks of the people not needing a government, I feel that he is loosing practicality since for a government to run smoothly, there has to be set rules and repercussions for the lawbreakers. Socrates takes sides with the government and gives us a picture of a state where the government takes center stage. According to Socrates, the government must be obeyed and the laws have to be followed to the later whether they are good or bad. Thoreau seeks to differ with Socrates saying that people do not have to submit to bad governance and they have every right to abscond what is not right. In his personal experience, Thoreau refused to pay poll tax as he personally felt that the government used the revenue to support the Mexican war and slave trade, which he was opposed to. For this reason, he was incarcerated though he was released a day later as family members bailed him out. I feel that Socrates was more rational in his judgment about his government and all it needed was for the p eople to obey the laws it had laid down for them. In his views, Socrates felt that the government brought order and this in the long run translated to better and civilized lives for its people. Thoreau was more bent on individual success and advocated for individuality and in my view this philosophy would not have augured well with many loyal citizens of the state. He kept seeing the government as a block to the success of its citizens through laws, which he termed, as infringements. For him to advocate that people do what is right is immoral in the sense that not all what seems right to us is right for everyone. For instance, someone would feel that acts of terrorism are okay and go ahead to implement it because it is what he wants to do and believes that it is right to him. In my opinion, this is utterly ridiculous because we live in a diverse world which has become a melting pot for all cultures. We therefore have to be governed by laws that dictate how we conduct ourselves to av ert such commotions, which would result from a permissive society. I therefore feel that Thoreau’s philosophies were wrong and they should not have seen the light of day. Conclusion Both Socrates and Thoreau had strong thesis on what an ideal people-government relationship should be like. They however had their shortcomings in either way, as some were too extreme and other just ridiculous. Their contrast brings about an interesting factor of civil obedience on the part of the Crito’s apology done by Socrates and civil disobedience as portrayed by Thoreau. We see that Socrates worst fear was what the society would say and he could not stand shame and dishonor. The rebellious Thoreau feared no societal criticism and all he cared about was what he felt was right for him. They both ended up in jail as punishment for their misdeeds and the irony is overwhelming. Socrates was however more practical as compared to Thoreau who gave ideas of a lawless society which would have c aused more harm than good. References Kemerling, G. (2006). Socrates (469-399 B.C.E). NY: Routledge. McElroy, W. (2005). Henry Thoreau and civil disobedience. Future of freedom Foundation. Vol (87).9-9. SparkNotes Editors. (2010) (a). SparkNote on The Apology. Web. SparkNotes Editors. (2010) (b). SparkNote on Civil Disobedience. Web. Term papers. (2005). Socrates versus Thoreau. Web. 123HelpMe (2010). Comparing Thoreau and Socrates. Web.